repo buyer

repo buyer
покупатель по первой части сделки РЕПО
repoсторона по сделке РЕПО, которая является покупателем ценных бумаг в первой части сделки ( т.е. берет ценные бумаги взаймы )
stock borrower
repo seller; stock lender
см. тж. repo; stock borrowing; stock-driven repo transaction; securities-driven stock lending transactions

Англо-русский словарь терминов по депозитарному хранению и клирингу. . 2002-2009.

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Смотреть что такое "repo buyer" в других словарях:

  • repo — re·po / rē ˌpō/ n pl repos 1: repurchase agreement 2: repossession Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster …   Law dictionary

  • repo agreement — Repo is short for a repurchase agreement or a sale and repurchase agreement where one party sells a security to another party for cash and agrees to repurchase it on a specified date for a specified price. The interest rate implied from this… …   Law dictionary

  • repo — An agreement between a seller and a buyer, usually in U.S. government securities, in which the seller agrees to buy back the security at a later date. Also: repurchase agreements Chicago Board of Trade glossary An informal name for a repurchase… …   Financial and business terms

  • repo — n. something that has been repossessed (property, car or other item) because payments have not been fully or partially made; repossession of property or other item from the buyer who has failed payments; repurchase agreement for something v.… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • repo'd — n. something that has been repossessed (property, car or other item) because payments have not been fully or partially made; repossession of property or other item from the buyer who has failed payments; repurchase agreement for something v.… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • repo'ing — n. something that has been repossessed (property, car or other item) because payments have not been fully or partially made; repossession of property or other item from the buyer who has failed payments; repurchase agreement for something v.… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • repo's — n. something that has been repossessed (property, car or other item) because payments have not been fully or partially made; repossession of property or other item from the buyer who has failed payments; repurchase agreement for something v.… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • reverse repo — reverse repurchase agreement, reverse repo A form of secured, short term investment in which a security is purchased with a simultaneous agreement to sell it back to the seller at a future date. The purchase and sales agreements are simultaneous… …   Financial and business terms

  • Repurchase agreement — Better known as Repurchase agreements (RPs or repos), a Sale and Repurchase Agreement has a borrower (seller/cash receiver) sell securities for cash to a lender (buyer/cash provider) and agree to repurchase those securities at a later date for… …   Wikipedia

  • General Collateral — Wichtige Leitzinsen Zinssatz Höhe EZB (letzte Änderung per: 08. April 2009) Einlagesatz 0,25 % Hauptrefinanzierungssatz 1,25 % Spitzenrefinanzierungssatz 2,25 % SNB (letzte Änderung per: 12. März 2009) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Repogeschäft — Wichtige Leitzinsen Zinssatz Höhe EZB (letzte Änderung per: 08. April 2009) Einlagesatz 0,25 % Hauptrefinanzierungssatz 1,25 % Spitzenrefinanzierungssatz 2,25 % SNB (letzte Änderung per: 12. März 2009) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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